Move then play

Move Then Play

Welcome to the Move Then Play Foundation page! We're proud to present this initiative by Move Then Play, whose mission is to promote a balance between screen time, physical activity and mental health among children, teenagers and families.

Our mission

Combating sedentary lifestyles

Through scientific research, we identify the causes of sedentary lifestyles among young people and develop concrete solutions to promote an active lifestyle.

Making research accessible

We popularize the results of our studies to make them understandable and usable by children, parents and educators, to encourage healthy behaviors.

Facilitating access to sport

Through material and financial donations, we help young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to gain access to sports programs and support organizations working for their well-being.

Move Then Play team

Move Then Play is the brainchild of SSCA, a technology company offering sanitary solutions with access control.

The members of the SSCA team have been actively involved in the fields of medicine and public health, and share common values. They follow a rigorous methodology and bring specific expertise to the projects they develop.

The MOVE THEN PLAY FOUNDATION is dedicated to promoting an active lifestyle among young people to combat sedentary lifestyles and encourage balanced use of technology. Founded in [year], our mission is to fund innovative projects that integrate physical activity into young people's daily lives, while raising awareness of the benefits of physical and mental health.


Rejoignez la Fondation Move Then Play

Ensemble, créons un avenir équilibré et sain !

Vous voulez faire partie du changement et contribuer à promouvoir un mode de vie équilibré entre écrans et activités physiques ? Rejoignez la Foundation Move Then Play et apportez votre pierre à l’édifice !